This stack is copyrighted 1988 by Mac Help Company
All scripts in this stack are copyrighted by Mac Help Company and may not be used without the written permission of the author. All Rights Reserved
Mac Help Company
1800 East market Street
Long Beach, CA 90805
(213) 428-7414
This stack is a shareware stack. If you use this stack as a basis for ideas, or you use the scripts in this stack or any portions of them, then you are required to pay a $10.00 shareware fee. You must not delete the copyright clause which is included in the script on stacks you plan to distribute.
Send in your registration with $10.00, and a blank 800k diskette. You will receive the latest unprotected version, and a letter giving you all rights to use these
scripts in any personal, public or commercial stacks.
-- part contents for card part 8
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When registering, send a blank 800k diskette to receive the COMPLETE latest version. Also send an additional $5.00 if you would like to receive the following quality stacks:
1. "Word Search" - Make puzzles out of words
2. "These United States" - Fun Educational Game/Quiz
3. "Calendar" - For appointments and scheduling
4. "TestMaker" - Turn your Mac into testing center
5. "Checking & Savings Demo" - Bank Accounting
6. "Phone Stack - Improved"
7. "Area Codes Stack - Improved"
Other Commercial Mac Help Company products:
HyperCard "Checking & Savings version 2.4". An excellent accounting program for multiple bank and sub accounts, can print checks, provides analysis of spending vs. Income, with full help features. Available for $20.00.